South Football holds several fundraisers throughout the year. Between the rising costs of equipment and the educational budget crisis in our state we count on maximum participation in all fundraisers to give our team the best possible high school football experience. Some of the fundraisers include:
General Fundraisers
Restaurant Fundraisers - The restaurant gives us a percentage of the sales.
Sees Candy Sale - This fundraiser takes place before Easter.
Popcorn Sale
Hollywood Riviera Sportsman's Club Pancake Breakfast
Fundraisers toward suggested individual player fundraising goals
Gold Card Sales - 100% towards Player Goals
The Boosters produce laminated discount cards, aka Gold Cards, for each player to sell to friends, family, or in their neighborhood. Players receive a set of cards at the beginning of each summer and are able to sell as many as they like on their own. The team will also coordinate a “Blitz Night” during which players can go out together in the local neighborhoods to sell door-to-door for a few hours. Each card sells for $10 and 100% of proceeds sold by each player will be credited toward their individual suggested fundraising goalFriends and Family Online Donations - 97% towards Player Goals
This is one of our most successful fundraising campaigns. Using an online fundraising site, players can set up their donation page and send it out to family and friends via email and text. Families are also welcome to forward their student’s link to anyone else to expand their network such as co-workers, business contacts, extended family, etc. 97% of donations raised by each player are credited toward their individual suggested fundraising goal. The remaining percentage is paid to the fundraising site vendor as administration fees.Stadium Banner Sales and/or Program Book Ads - 100% towards Player Goals
Players and families can raise substantial donations by asking a local business to advertise in our stadium with a banner and/or place an ad in our football program book. Banners and program books are ready by the first home game and stay up throughout the football season. Prices range from $400 - $500 for a banner and $50 - $225 for a program ad. The order form to give to businesses can be found in this packet. 100% of proceeds sold by each player will be credited toward their individual suggested fundraising goal.Purchase a Player Tribute Ad in the Program Book - 100% towards Player Goals
Purchase a half or full-page ad in the 2023 South High School Football Program as another way to show your support and personalize the team program for your student-athlete. Programs will be ready for sale at the first home game of the season at the Snack Shack. All ads are printed in full color. The order form can be found in this packet. 100% of proceeds sold by each player will be credited toward their individual suggested fundraising goal.Direct Donations (anytime)
Please contact Coach Mishler for a donation form. 100% of direct donations will be credited toward the specified player’s individual suggested fundraising goal.
Thank you for donating
When donating please leave a comment so we know what and who it's for. Thank you.